The single player really is quite boring, but the bots are smarter than the bots they put in Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. If your looking for a thrilling game that will keep your heart beating rapidly as I just bought this off of Steam on sale for $5. The co-op is just plain out FUN I haven't had this much fun with co-op. I just bought this off of Steam on sale for $5. Many game features you may only discover through playing with others, such as hostage negotiations. It took me too long to figure out how to access and change my progression tree. I would like to have seen more content in the game, and could come up with a huge list of easily implemented ideas that would have heavily deepened the game-play. The only reason I do not give this game a perfect score is because, regardless of how good it is, it could have been better. Overall, this game is soo good I bought it twice. However, they are quite careless about shooting around civilians and you will often find yourself feeling like you are trying to save innocents from a reckless police riot. The task force units feel professional and trained as I would expect any officer charging into a bank heist, or general hostage situation, would be.

I have seen quite a few complaints about the AI being 'too sentry,' but imo, it is very realistic. The game just has a really intense feel as you yell at civilians to drop to the floor and shoot out surveillance cameras in preparation for police arrival. When a Rambo tries to run into the open, and play the bad-ass, they end up getting horribly raped, arrested, and then left behind as his teammates progress through the stage. Your goal is not to rack up a body count, but to perform a heist. Unlike most shooters out, Payday forces you to play realistically. I like how simple, independent games like these always manage to get me to sink many more hours into it than any of the higher budget titles that are out. When a Rambo tries to run into the open, and play the bad-ass, they Payday is an amazingly fun game.